Thursday, December 8, 2016

Attention Martial Arts Enthusiasts...Are you still learning???

Are you still learning? Do you have the beginners mind?
Are you still learning? Do yo have the white belt mindset? The real truth is that learning never stops and if you have stopped you are going backwards.

A long time ago I invited many high ranking martial arts grand masters to a seminar. Five out of six of them jumped at it! After they said yes I asked of they would consider doing a segment at the seminar. They were happy too! Real grand masters!

But one told me, and I quote.... "i don't attend seminars I give them."

That told me everything I needed to know about him. Ego and no substance.

A real master knows there is still much to learn, just like the novice does. In fact learning continues and becomes a passion. It is call "self improvement."

Yesterday I concluded the grading via video of my head teacher at my dojo in Windsor. It has been a long process since I have been gone almost a year now. He did amazing! For anyone in my school who hits the coveted master levels afterwards it become all about education and improvement. How many kata can I really see?

So are you one of the martial artist who continues to learn? Or are you stagnate?  Does Kyusho Jitsu interest you? If so then I really suggest getting into our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course? This study will take your current understanding to an entirely new level.

What have you got to lose? It really is FREE!

Pressure Point Mini Course Signup!
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