Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Bum Wrap

Over the last few years Kyusho has gotten a bit of a bum wrap, especially on YouTube. Martial Artists with little or no Kyusho experience will post bad videos of knockout that are really just awful. So here is some information on what Kyusho is and what it is not.

First Kyusho Jitsu is not a complete martial arts. It teaches no KATA, no strikes or kicks. It simply shows how to use these elements of your ROOT art more effectively. If you don't have a solid foundation in your root art your results with Kyusho will be very poor.

Now assuming you have a decent foundation in your art, you then need to develop an understanding of the foundation in Kyusho. When you have these two foundations, your Kyusho results will be amazing.

One of the principles that has made Kyusho so very effective is 2-way action. 2 Way Action was founded and named by Professor Wally Jay, and is the founding principle of Small Circle JuJitsu. Once you understand this concept you will become very effective in not only Kyusho, but any art you study.

Kyusho Jitsu is not MAGIC. It is a method of striking nerves and nerve bundles in a proper manner to get a predictable response. An example is hitting Lung 6 on the arm. If this point is hit with the correct angle and direction, with 2-way action, not only will the hand release, but the head will come forward and the knee (corresponding to the arm) will buckle. Followup is then very simple.

I am going to release a public video shortly on 2-way action. Watch here for it soon!