Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our Student Support Services

I wanted to take a moment today to write about support for Kyusho (Pressure Point) Students. Any of our products, the Home Study Course, or the Online Course come with full support to have your questioned answered. But I think I need to explain how this support works a little better.

Our support is done throught the use of EMAIL or Blackberry Messenger. You are free to email me anytime with your questions and I will do my best to answer in a timely fashion, usually with a few hours, and rarely more than 24 hours. The same goes for Blackberry Messenger.

I run 2 different Kyusho Courses at my school. This a Novice Course and an Advanced Course. Support for my in Dojo students basically works the same, or they can make an appointment to talk with me in person. I never do phone support! I simply do not have the time to do so.

I was asked recently about doing lessons on Skype, again this is a time thing as I personally never do private lessons. My typical day will begin at 6:00am and end about 10:00pm.

I hope everyone understands that each student is very important to me and I will do my very best to help you in as timely a manner as possible!

Good luck to all in your studies.