Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is Advanced Study?

In Novice Pressure Point Study we spend a lot of time cover materials that many people would consider to be very dry. You need to know all the meridians, were they start, where they end, and what course they follow. You must know all the elements, the striking action for each, stances, colors, polarity and the list goes on and on. Once all this is memorized and internalized the student is ready for more.

As a good example of Novice Study we can look at my Novice Pressure Point Workbook. It contains over 100 pages of information, but very little of it is application based. So what is advanced study? Well certainly there is more theory, but application now comes into play. Taking all the theory and actually making it work! This is the meat of pressure point study, but like all martial arts it takes time to get there.

In my upcoming Advanced Pressure Point Workbook we will be focusing not only on new theory, but also application as well. This book will not be as long, but the information will be much more detailed for applying these theories in real situations.

Also consider taking a look at our Online Pressure Point Course. The amount of information covered in amazing!